
Job Summary

The Job Summary page is accessible from a number of job links on various SupplyPro reports. This page summarizes important information about a job like the plan/elevation, subdivision name and address, lot/block, and permit number.


To view information and perform actions:

  1. Click the Hide Job Summary link to hide the summary information. Click the Show Job Summary link to show the summary information.

  2. If the order is Late, the order row is highlighted in red and has (Late) in red text under the Order Status.

A late task is defined as an order where the requested end date from BuildPro is before today’s date. This applies to orders in SupplyPro with a Received or To Do status. Once an order is completed, marked Shipped, it will no longer appear as late. Scheduled Orders do not appear as late.

  1. If an item is a Back Charge, the BC# appears in the Builder Order Number column. Click on the BC#  to open the Back Charge Detail page.

  2. Click the Order Number link to open the Order Detail page.

  3. Click the View Schedule link to open the Job Schedule page.

  4. Click the View Documents link to open a list of job documents attached to this job.

  5. Click the View Printable link to open a printable version of the job summary page in a separate window.

  6. On the Job Summary page, choose an action to perform from the Action drop-down list at the bottom of the page.

  7. Click the check box to the right of an order to select that order for the chosen action. Click the Select All or Clear All to select or clear all the check boxes.

  8. Click the Execute button to perform the chosen action on the selected orders.

  9. Click the Return button to return to the previous page you were visiting.


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