
Canceled Orders

The Canceled Orders page allows you to view orders canceled by the builder; all orders that are canceled by the builder show up as Alerts in SupplyPro.

To view canceled orders:

  1. In the Search Criteria section, click any of the fields shown and make the appropriate selection.

You can filter the orders you see on this page by Account, Subdivision, Order Status, Order Type, and Task Filter.

  1. Click the Search button. The Canceled Order List opens. View information about the Order List columns.

The Downloaded Order icon next to the Order Status on some orders means that the order has been sent to the supplier's back-office accounting system.

  1. Click any column heading on the page to sort the list by that heading.

  2. To view additional information on the order, click the order number link in the Builder order number column to access the Order Detail page.

Orders with (E) next to the Builder Order Number are EPOs. Orders with (NTE) are NTE EPOs. (What is an NTE EPO?) A Not To Exceed (NTE) EPO is a purchase order where initially the order total is unknown, but the supplier has guaranteed the builder that the total will not exceed a specified amount.

  1. Use the Supplier field for any supplier-related information, such as the invoice number.

  1. Use the Task Filter field to assign a task or job specific description; such as a particular pickup location or to assign a crew to the task.

  2. Click the Update Supplier Info for Selected Orders button to save your changes.

  3. Click the Print Selected Orders button to print complete, detailed purchase orders for the selected orders.

The printed version is broken down in sections, based on the tabs (Detail, Notes, History, Change Requests and Options).

  1. Click the Print Delivery Tickets for Selected Orders button if you need to print orders without any prices on them.


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