
Order List/Order Search Columns

Each column on the Order List and Order Search pages contains important information about the order. The columns are same on all of the Order List pages (Received, To Do, Pending Approval, Complete, and Canceled).


Check Box - The first column has no title, but by checking the small box in this column, you select an order, telling SupplyPro that the order selected is what you are working on. To select an order, simply click with your mouse in the box, and a checkmark will appear.

Order Number: Builder - Shows the purchase order number that was sent to SupplyPro from the builder. The order number acts as a hyperlink. By clicking on the number, SupplyPro will take you into the detail of the order, so that you can see line item details, and unit pricing, as well as perform other critical functions, such as processing alerts, entering notes etc. Note: EPOs are denoted with (E) in the Order Number.

Order Number: Supplier - The column where you can add your own criteria to search by. This becomes a permanent part of the order when you update it, and then you may search by whatever information you add. It merely becomes additional criteria which can be used when searching for orders. This information is not transmitted to the builder. Note: After entering information, be sure to click on the “Update Supplier Info for Selected Orders” button to save the information to the order.

Account - The builder name and/or division.

Subdivision Phase - The subdivision and phase with which the order is associated.

Lot / Block - The lot number and/or block assigned to the job site by the builder.

Plan / Elv / Swing - The plan, elevation, and swing of the job that contains the order.

Job Address - The physical address of the job site.

Task - The name of the task the builder wants your company to perform.

Task Filter -  Another area which suppliers can use to assign orders to individuals or teams. Once assigned, the Task Filter can be used as additional search criteria, or used to create a calendar. Note: After entering information, be sure to click on the “Update Supplier Info for Selected Orders” button to save the information to the order.

Total Excl Tax - Shows the amount of the purchase order, excluding any taxes.

Request / Acknowledged / Actual - Shows the requested (RS, RE) start and end dates that the task was requested for, the acknowledged (KS, KE) start and end dates that you acknowledged that you would perform the work or deliver materials, and the actual (AS, AE) start and end dates that the work was actually performed or materials were physically delivered. The order starts in the Received area with only RS / RE dates listed. As you go through the different steps of order processing, the KS / KE and AS / AE dates will be added. There is a key in the Search Criteria box to help you remember what RS/RE, KS/KE and AS/AE means.

Order Status / Builder Status - Shows the status of the order. The “O” followed by a status indicates the status the order has in SupplyPro. The “B” followed by a status indicates the status that the order is in on the builder’s side, in BuildPro.