
Order Calendar

The Order Calendar page provides a convenient calendar view of scheduled orders by start date, including job address, lot and block information, the builder's order number, task name, supplier order number and task filter. Report views include weekly, biweekly, monthly or 6 month.

You can filter the calendar to show received orders, scheduled orders, to do orders, and all orders (the default) as well as by Account, Task Filter, and Crew Filter Users can choose a crew from the drop-down list and click the Search button to view all orders assigned to that crew.
Users can also choose a crew from the 'Crew Filter’ drop-down list under the ‘Task/Task Filter’ column. This allows users to assign an order to a crew. Manage Crew Filters on the Company Profile page.
. You may also specify a Start Date for the calendar. Orders with a (P) next to the task name are scheduled orders, while those with a (T) are To Do orders. Orders designated with an (R) are newly received orders not yet accepted. A right arrow to the right of the task name indicates the task is carried over to the following week. A left arrow to the left of the task name indicates the task was started in the previous week. When displaying tasks on the calendar, the BuildPro builder's week end settings are used to determine whether a task is scheduled for a week end day. For orders entered manually, the supplier's week end settings are used to control whether tasks show up on week end days.


To generate the Order Calendar Report:

  1. To change the calendar format to a two-week, one-month, or six-month view, select an alternative view from the Calendar Type list.

  2. To generate the calendar with a particular starting date, enter a date in the Start Date box.

  3. To filter the report to a particular account, select a builder account from the Account list.

  4. If you choose a specific builder account from the Account list, your report page supplies you with an option to filter the report by Subdivision (provided the builder account has subdivisions, jobs, and orders).  To filter the report to a particular subdivision, select an available subdivision from the Subdivision list.

  5. To view other types of orders, including received orders, scheduled orders, to do and scheduled orders, and all orders, select an alternative from the Order Status list. The report defaults to all orders.

  6. In the Task Filter field, type any of your company's user-defined values to view the Order Calendar using this additional categorization.

The Task Filter field holds up to 60 characters of free-form text. The Order Calendar displays this data with the calendar task information on the calendar itself, but also allows you to limit the calendar by these field values. Use the Task Filter field to further distinguish a task or job description or note a particular store or pickup location.

To update the Task Filter values (for Received and To Do orders), click the task name link to access the Order Detail page. SupplyPro does not error-check the field values, so it is important to develop a specific coding protocol to ensure that when you use the field to filter the Order Calendar or sort any Order List, the items are grouped accurately.

  1. Choose a crew from the Crew Filter Users can choose a crew from the drop-down list and click the Search button to view all orders assigned to that crew.
    Users can also choose a crew from the 'Crew Filter’ drop-down list under the ‘Task/Task Filter’ column. This allows users to assign an order to a crew. Manage Crew Filters on the Company Profile page.
    drop-down filter to search for orders assigned to a specific crew. Crew Filters are managed on the Company Profile page.

  2. Click the Run Report button to run the report.

  3. To view alternative weeks or months, use the forward and back buttons next to the calendar heading. You can always return to the current week by clicking the This Week link.

  4. You can quickly identify late tasks on the Order Calendar Report. On each late task, the task row is highlighted in pink and has (Late) in red text under the Order Status.

A late order is defined as an order where the requested end date from BuildPro is before today’s date. This applies to Received, To Do, or  Scheduled orders. Once an order is completed, marked Shipped, it will no longer appear as late. do not appear as late.

  1. To view additional information on the order, click the task name link to access the Order Detail page.

From the Order Detail page you can view order information on the Detail, Notes, History, Change Requests, or Options tabs. See the Order Detail topic for additional information on the various functions allowed.

  1. Click the View Printable link to display a printable version of this page in an auxiliary browser window. Adjust report criteria as needed prior to printing.  Use your browser's print options to send your report to the printer or to a file.

  2. You may also enter orders manually from the Order Calendar Report by clicking on the Manual Order Entry link. See the Manual Order Entry topic for additional information on entering manual orders.


On the report, you will see the tasks displayed in Task Boxes. Each task box contains several elements, although not all tasks will contain all of the following elements: