Order Management

Order List - Received Orders

SupplyPro provides a listing of all new orders you have from the Received Orders link on the Home page or from the Orders tab. Orders automatically sort in ascending order by request date. You can see detailed order information when you click the builder order number link.

You can also print any order, with or without prices. A delivery ticket is a purchase order without the prices. So, when you select an order you have the option to print it as a purchase order or as a delivery ticket. You can use additional information (such as a crew name) in the Task Filter field that can be used to filter certain reports later. As an example, you can enter a crew name or individual and filter the Order Calendar report to view the workload for that crew or individual.

From the Received Orders page you can:

To update and accept received orders:

  1. To filter the number of orders that appear, complete any of the search criteria fields as needed.

You can filter the orders you see on this page by Account, Subdivision, Order Status, Order Type, Task Filter, and Crew Filter Users can choose a crew from the drop-down list and click the Search button to view all orders assigned to that crew. Users can also choose a crew from the 'Crew Filter’ drop-down list under the ‘Task/Task Filter’ column. This allows users to assign an order to a crew. Manage Crew Filters on the Company Profile page..

  1. Click the Search button. The Received Order List opens. View information about the Order List columns.

The Downloaded Order icon next to the Order Status on some orders means that the order has been sent to the supplier's back-office accounting system.

  1. If the order is an EPO, (E) appears next to the Builder Order Number. If the order is an NTE EPO, (NTE) appears next to the Builder Order Number. (What is an NTE EPO?) A Not To Exceed (NTE) EPO is a purchase order where initially the order total is unknown, but the supplier has guaranteed the builder that the total will not exceed a specified amount.

  2. You can quickly identify late orders on the Order List. On each late task, the task row is highlighted in red and has (Late) in red text under the Order Status.

A late order is defined as an order where the requested end date from BuildPro is before today’s date. This applies to Received, To Do, or  Scheduled orders. Once an order is completed, marked Shipped, it will no longer appear as late. do not appear as late.

  1. Click the check box next to any order you wish to update.

  2. Type your invoice number in the Supplier column.

  3. Use the Task Filter field to assign an order- or job-specific description, such as a particular pick-up location. Choose a crew from the Crew Filter Users can choose a crew from the drop-down list and click the Search button to view all orders assigned to that crew.
    Users can also choose a crew from the 'Crew Filter’ drop-down list under the ‘Task/Task Filter’ column. This allows users to assign an order to a crew. Manage Crew Filters on the Company Profile page.
    drop-down list to assign a crew to the order.

  4. Click the Update Supplier Info for Selected Orders button, located at the bottom of your page.

This does not accept the order. The Update Supplier Info for Selected Orders button only adds the information you typed in the Supplier field and in the Task Filter field.

  1. Click the check box next to all orders you wish to accept.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Accept Selected Orders button.

To accept orders from the Received Orders page without reviewing the order detail, select the orders and click the Accept Selected Orders button. This changes the status of the order and sends a notification to the builder. When accepting multiple orders, you will not receive an email acknowledgement. Please use this feature carefully. The Receive Multiple Orders module is an optional feature. Contact Hyphen Solutions customer care for more information.

  1. Click the Print Selected Orders button to print complete, detailed purchase orders for the selected orders, or you can click the View Printable link from any order detail page.

  2. Click the Print Delivery Tickets for Selected Orders button if you need to print orders without any prices on them.


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