Order Management

Order Detail Users

The Users tab of the Order Detail page supports the ability to assign individual orders to specific users, rather than automatically assigning orders to the users linked to the builder account. Unless your company has elected to implement the Assign Orders module, you will not see this tab on your Order Detail page. From this tab you can perform the following functions:


The Assign Orders module is an optional feature in SupplyPro. Unless your company has specifically implemented it, you will not have access to the Assign Orders page or have the ability to assign individual users to an order beyond assigning an account to a user. Phone your Hyphen Solutions, Ltd. Customer Care Representative or Account Manager for assistance with implementing this feature at your company.

This page displays the following standard order information:

To assign users:

  1. Under the Available Users column, click the check box next to each user you want to assign to this order.

  2. Click the Add Selected Users button.

To remove assigned users:

  1. Under the Assigned Users column, click the check box next to each user you want to remove from being assigned to this order.

  2. Click the Remove Selected Users button.

To use this page:

  1. To display a printable version of the order, including information from all Order Detail tabs, click View Printable.

  2. Click the job link to access the Job Summary page.

  3. To view the current Job Schedule with up-to-date schedule dates, click View Schedule.

  4. Select any of the links at the bottom of the page to view orders by status:

  1. For details on accepting, declining, shipping/completing and updating orders, see the topic entitled Managing Orders.


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