Order Management

Order Detail Notes

The Notes tab of the Order Detail page shows all builder and supplier notes linked to the order.  You can also send notes to the builder without changing the status of an order. The Notes tab shows you when the note was sent, the user name who sent the note, action pertaining to the note and the actual text of any notes pertaining to the job.  

To mark a note as read:

  1. Click the Notes tab and read any new notes (the unread notes appear in bold print).

  2. Click the Mark Notes as Read button.

Result: The bold font on any unread notes is remove and the Alert notification is removed.

To send notes to the buyer:

  1. Scroll down until you see the Send Note to Buyer Without Changing the Order Status section.  Type any relevant notes to the supplier, then click the Send Note button.

The following functions are available from the Notes tab:

  1. To display a printable version of the order, including information from all Order Detail tabs, click View Printable.

  2. To clear an Alert Order by updating unread notes, select the Read box and click the Mark Notes as Read button.

  3. Click the job link to access the Job Summary page.

  4. To view the current Job Schedule with up-to-date schedule dates, click View Schedule.

  5. Select any of the links at the bottom of the page to view orders by status:

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