
Back Charges

View the list of back charges submitted to you by each builder. Filter the list by account, subdivision, status, and job start date.


To generate the Back Charges report:

  1. Click on the Reports tab. The Reports page opens.

  2. In the Other Reports box, click on the Back Charges link. The Back Charges report opens.

  3. Choose from the Report Criteria. View more information about the report filters below.

  4. Click the Run Report button. The list of back charges appears.

  5. Click on the Back Charge # link to open the Back Charge Detail page.

  6. Click on the Job Address link to open the Job Summary report.


Report Filters

Account – Drop-down list of all accounts associated to the supplier. The default is All.

Job – Drop-down list of all jobs associated to the supplier. The default is All. The Job filter appears once a Subdivision is selected.

Back Charge Status – Drop-down list of back charges statuses: Pending, Completed, and Cancelled. Defaults to All.

Job Start Date From/To – Allows users to search for a back charge by the start date of the job. The default is blank, which shows all back charges regardless of job start date.

Back Charge #– Allows users to search by the back charge number. (Back charge numbers are unique within each BuildPro company.)

Report Columns

Back Charge # - Back charge number created by BuildPro. (Back charge numbers are unique within each BuildPro company.) Click on the Back Charge # link to open the Back Charge Detail page.

Account – BuildPro account.  

Subdivision – Subdivision of the job that contained the back charge.

Lot/Block – Legal lot and block number of the job.

Job Address – Job associated to the back charge. Click on the Job Address link to open the Job Summary report.

Back Charge Desc – Description of the back charge.

Back Charge Amount – Dollar amount of the back charge.


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